podebconf-display-po - display content of a PO file in a debconf interface
podebconf-display-po [-h] [-f FRONTEND] file.po
As with any other localization work, translators should test their translations by running the program they are working on. But this is a very hard job with complicated configuration scripts because there is no automatic way to have all messages displayed.
The podebconf-display-po program could be called the Poor Man Localization Checker for debconf. It parses a PO file, tries to guess what the original templates file did look like, and displays messages in a debconf interface.
Of course being root is not mandatory, and there is no interaction between podebconf-display-po and system-wide debconf settings.
$ LANGUAGE=de podebconf-display-po de.po
If the PO file cannot be converted into your current encoding, English strings are displayed instead of the localized ones. You then have to switch to a UTF-8 environment to prevent encoding mismatch.
This is achieved when PO files are generated by po-debconf >= 0.8.3, template type is inserted in PO files. With older versions, podebconf-display-po has a trivial algorithm to determine original template type, and may sometimes be wrong.
Denis Barbier <barbier@linuxfr.org>
2018-11-20 |