pyosmium-up-to-date - Bring OSM files up-to-date
Update an OSM file with changes from a OSM replication server.
Diffs are downloaded and kept in memory. To avoid running out of memory, the maximum size of diffs that can be downloaded at once is limited to 1 GB per default. This corresponds to approximately 3 days of update. The limit can be changed with the –size parameter. However, you should take into account that processing the files requires additional memory (about 1GB more).
The starting time is automatically determined from the data in the file. For PBF files, it is also possible to read and write the replication information from the osmosis headers. That means that after the first update, subsequent calls to pyosmium-up-to-date will continue the updates from the same server exactly where they have left of.
The program returns 0, if updates have been successfully applied up to the newest data. It returns 1, if some updates have been applied but there is still data available on the server (either because the size limit has been reached or there was a network error which could not be resolved). Any other error results in a return code larger than 1. The output file is guaranteed to be unmodified in that case.
Some OSM data sources require a cookie to be sent with the HTTP requests. Pyosmium-up-to-date does not fetch the cookie from these services for you. However, it can read cookies from a Netscape-style cookie jar file, send these cookies to the server and will save received cookies to the jar file.
usage: pyosmium-up-to-date [options] <osm file>
Sarah Hoffmann
2015-2019, Sarah Hoffmann
January 25, 2019 | 2.15 |