MARKDOWN2(1) | User Commands | MARKDOWN2(1) |
markdown2 - Command to convert a markdown file to HTML
markdown2 [PATHS...]
A fast and complete Python implementation of Markdown, a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers.
Supported extra syntax options (see -x|--extras option below and see <> for details):
* code-friendly: Disable _ and __ for em and strong. * cuddled-lists: Allow lists to be cuddled to the preceding paragraph. * fenced-code-blocks: Allows a code block to not have to be indented
* footnotes: Support footnotes as in use on and
* header-ids: Adds "id" attributes to headers. The id value is a slug of
* highlightjs-lang: Allows specifying the language which used for syntax
* html-classes: Takes a dict mapping html tag names (lowercase) to a
* link-patterns: Auto-link given regex patterns in text (e.g. bug number
* markdown-in-html: Allow the use of `markdown="1"` in a block HTML tag to
* metadata: Extract metadata from a leading '---'-fenced block.
* nofollow: Add `rel="nofollow"` to add `<a>` tags with an href. See
* numbering: Support of generic counters. Non standard extension to
* pyshell: Treats unindented Python interactive shell sessions as <code>
* smarty-pants: Replaces ' and " with curly quotation marks or curly
* spoiler: A special kind of blockquote commonly hidden behind a
* strike: text inside of double tilde is ~~strikethrough~~ * tag-friendly: Requires atx style headers to have a space between the # and
* tables: Tables using the same format as GFM
* toc: The returned HTML string gets a new "toc_html" attribute which is
* use-file-vars: Look for an Emacs-style markdown-extras file variable to turn
* wiki-tables: Google Code Wiki-style tables. See
* xml: Passes one-liner processing instructions and namespaced XML tags.
December 2018 | markdown2 2.3.7 |