QTLtools(1) | General Commands Manual | QTLtools(1) |
QTLtools - Tool set for molecular QTL discovery and analysis
QTLtools [mode] [options]
QTLtools is a tool set for molecular QTL discovery and analysis. It allows user to go from the raw sequence data to collection of molecular Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) in few easy-to-perform steps.
QTLtools bamstat --help
QTLtools bamstat --bam HG00381.chr22.bam --bed
gencode.v19.exon.chr22.bed.gz --filter-mapping-quality 150 --out
QTLtools match --bam HG00381.chr22.bam --vcf
genotypes.chr22.vcf.gz --filter-mapping-quality 150 --out
QTLtools quan --bam HG00381.chr22.bam --gtf
gencode.v19.annotation.chr22.gtf.gz --samples HG00381 --out-prefix HG00381
--filter-mapping-quality 150 --filter-mismatch 5 --filter-mismatch-total 5
--rpkm --no-merge
QTLtools pca --bed genes.50percent.chr22.bed.gz --scale --center
--out genes.50percent.chr22
QTLtools cis --vcf genotypes.chr22.vcf.gz --bed
genes.50percent.chr22.bed.gz --cov genes.covariates.pc50.txt.gz --nominal
0.01 --region chr22:17000000-18000000 --out nominals.txt
QTLtools cis --vcf genotypes.chr22.vcf.gz --bed
genes.50percent.chr22.bed.gz --cov genes.covariates.pc50.txt.gz --permute
1000 --region chr22:17000000-18000000 --out permutations.txt
QTLtools cis --vcf genotypes.chr22.vcf.gz --bed
genes.50percent.chr22.bed.gz --cov genes.covariates.pc50.txt.gz --mapping
permutations_all.thresholds.txt --chunk 12 16 --out conditional_12_16.txt
QTLtools trans --vcf genotypes.chr22.vcf.gz --bed
genes.simulated.chr22.bed.gz --nominal --threshold 1e-5 --out trans.nominal
QTLtools trans --vcf genotypes.chr22.vcf.gz --bed
genes.simulated.chr22.bed.gz --sample 1000 --normal --out trans.sample
QTLtools fdensity --qtl results.genes.significant.bed --bed
TFs.encode.bed.gz --out density.TF.around.QTL.txt
QTLtools fenrich --qtl results.genes.significant.bed --tss
results.genes.quantified.bed --bed TFs.encode.bed.gz --out
QTLtools rtc --vcf genotypes.chr22.vcf.gz --bed
genes.50percent.chr22.bed.gz --cov genes.covariates.pc50.txt.gz --hotspot
hotspots_b37_hg19.bed --gwas-cis GWAS.b37.txt
permutations_all.significant.txt --normal --out rtc_results.txt
QTLtools was written by Olivier Delaneau, Halit Ongen and Manolis Dermitzakis.
November 2016 | 1.0 |