rtags-rc - manual page for RTags client
rtags-rc is the RTags client application.
- --verbose|-v
- Be more verbose.
- --version
- Print current version.
- --verify-version|-t
- Verify that the correct protocol version is used.
- --silent|-Q
- Be silent.
- --help|-h
- Display this help.
- --config
- Use this file (instead of ~/.rcrc).
- --no-rc
- Don't load any rc files.
- --follow-location|-f
- Follow this location.
- --references-name|-R
- Find references matching arg.
- --references|-r
- Find references matching this location.
- --list-symbols|-S
- List symbol names matching arg.
- --find-symbols|-F
- Find symbols matching arg.
- --symbol-info|-U
- Get cursor info for this location.
- --status|-s
- Dump status of rtags-rdm. Arg can be symbols or symbolNames.
- --diagnose
- Resend diagnostics for file.
- --diagnose-all
- Resend diagnostics for all files.
- --last-indexed
- Get timestamp of the last time indexing completed for the current
- --is-indexed|-T
- Check if rtags knows about, and is ready to return information about, this
source file.
- --is-indexing
- Check if rtags is currently indexing files.
- --has-filemanager
- Check if rtags has info about files in this directory.
- --preprocess|-E
- Preprocess file.
- --reindex|-V
- Reindex all files or all files matching pattern.
- --check-reindex|-x
- Check if reindexing is necessary for all files matching pattern.
- --path|-P
- Print files matching pattern.
- --current-project
- Print path for current project.
- --dump-file|-d
- Dump source file.
- --check-includes
- Check includes for source file.
- --dump-file-maps
- Dump file maps for file.
- --generate-test
- Generate a test for a given source file.
- --rdm-log|-g
- Receive logs from rtags-rdm.
- --fixits
- Get fixits for file.
- --remove|-D
- Remove file from project.
- --find-project-root
- Use to check behavior of find-project-root.
- --find-project-build-root
- Use to check behavior of find-project-root for builds.
- --include-file
- Use to generate include statement for symbol.
- --sources
- Dump sources for source file.
- --dependencies
- Dump dependencies for source file [(includes, included-by, depends-on,
depended-on, tree-depends-on, raw)].
- --all-dependencies
- Dump dependencies for all source files [(includes, included-by,
depends-on, depended-on, tree-depends-on, raw)].
- --reload-file-manager|-B
- Reload file manager.
- --man
- Output XML for xmltoman to generate man page for rtags-rc :-)
- --code-complete-at|-l
- Code complete at location: arg is file:line:col.
- --send-diagnostics
- Only for debugging. Send data to all -G connections.
- --dump-completions
- Dump cached completions.
- --dump-compile-commands
- Dump compilation database for project.
- --set-buffers
- Set active buffers (list of filenames for active buffers in editor).
- --list-buffers
- List active buffers.
- --add-buffers
- Add additional buffers.
- --remove-buffers
- Remove buffers.
- --list-cursor-kinds
- List spelling for known cursor kinds.
- --class-hierarchy
- Dump class hierarcy for struct/class at location.
- --debug-locations
- Manipulate debug locations.
- --validate
- Validate database files for current project.
- --tokens
- Dump tokens for file. --tokens file.cpp:123-321 for range.
- --find-dead-functions
- Find functions declared/defined in the current file that are never in the