SHPPROJ(1) | shplib | SHPPROJ(1) |
shpproj - Reproject Shapefiles using PROJ
shpproj in_shp_file out_shp_file [-i=in_proj_file | -i="in_params" | -i=geographic] [-o=out_info_file | -o="out_params" | -o=geographic]
use: proj -lu to see available units proj -le to see available ellipsoid
Or visit the PROJ web page at for more details.
The following example projects file rowtest to row3, moving data from Stateplane NAD83 zone 1002 to utm zone 16 in meters
shpproj rowtest row -i="init=nad83:1002 units=us-ft" -o="proj=utm zone=16 units=m"
shpproj rowtest row3 -o="proj=utm zone=18 units=m" -i="zone=16 proj=utm units=us-ft"
shpproj rowtest row3 -o="proj=utm zone=18 units=m"
This example uses a prj file and converts to geographic. note that -o=geographic can be ommitted.
shpproj rowtest row3 -i=myfile.prj -o=geographic
shpproj is part of shapelib, maintained by Frank Warmerdam. This guide was created by Eduardo Patoo Kanegae and converted to manpage by Johan Van de Wauw.
proj(1), dbfadd(1), dbfcat(1), dbfcreate(1), dbfdump(1), dbfinfo(1), shpadd(1), shpcat(1), shpcentrd(1), shpcreate(1), shpdump(1), shpdxf(1), shpfix(1), shpinfo(1), shprewind(1), shptest(1)
August 2018 |