DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / spamassassin / Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::RelayCountry.3pm.en
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::RelayCountry(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::RelayCountry(3pm)

RelayCountry - add message metadata indicating the country code of each relay

  loadplugin     Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::RelayCountry

The RelayCountry plugin attempts to determine the domain country codes of each relay used in the delivery path of messages and add that information to the message metadata as "X-Relay-Countries", or the "_RELAYCOUNTRY_" header markup.

This plugin requires the GeoIP2, Geo::IP, IP::Country::DB_File or IP::Country::Fast module from CPAN. For backward compatibility IP::Country::Fast is used as fallback if no db_type is specified in the config file.

The following options can be used in both site-wide ("") and user-specific ("user_prefs") configuration files to customize how SpamAssassin handles incoming email messages.

This option tells SpamAssassin which type of Geo database to use. Valid database types are GeoIP, GeoIP2, DB_File and Fast.
This option tells SpamAssassin where to find MaxMind GeoIP2 or IP::Country::DB_File database.
2021-03-26 perl v5.28.1