split-select - APK split and selection tool
WARNING: This manual might be outdated, please refer to split-select --help.
split-select –help
split-select –target config –base path/to/apk [–split path/to/apk [...]]
split-select –generate –base path/to/apk [–split path/to/apk [...]]
Where config is an extended AAPT resource qualifier of the form “resource-qualifiers:extended-qualifiers”, where “resource-qualifiers” is an AAPT resource qualifier (ex: en-rUS-sw600dp-xhdpi), and `extended-qualifiers' is an ordered list of one qualifier (or none) from each category:
Architecture: armeabi, armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64, mips
Generates the logic for selecting a Split APK given some target Android device configuration. Using the flag –generate will emit a JSON encoded tree of rules that must be satisfied in order to install the given Split APK. Using the flag –target along with the device configuration will emit the set of Split APKs to install, following the same logic that would have been emitted via JSON.
The Android Open Source Project.