DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / systemtap-doc / tapset::ansi.3stap.en

tapset::ansi - systemtap ansi tapset

Move cursor to top left and clear screen.
See function::ansi_clear_screen(3stap)
for details.
Set the ansi Select Graphic Rendition mode.
See function::ansi_set_color(3stap)
for details.
Set the ansi Select Graphic Rendition mode.
See function::ansi_set_color(3stap)
for details.
Set the ansi Select Graphic Rendition mode.
See function::ansi_set_color(3stap)
for details.
Resets Select Graphic Rendition mode.
See function::ansi_reset_color(3stap)
for details.
Move cursor to new line.
See function::ansi_new_line(3stap)
for details.
Move cursor to new coordinates.
See function::ansi_cursor_move(3stap)
for details.
Hides the cursor.
See function::ansi_cursor_hide(3stap)
for details.
Saves the cursor position.
See function::ansi_cursor_save(3stap)
for details.
Restores a previously saved cursor position.
See function::ansi_cursor_restore(3stap)
for details.
Shows the cursor.
See function::ansi_cursor_show(3stap)
for details.

function::ansi_clear_screen(3stap), function::ansi_set_color(3stap), function::ansi_reset_color(3stap), function::ansi_new_line(3stap), function::ansi_cursor_move(3stap), function::ansi_cursor_hide(3stap), function::ansi_cursor_save(3stap), function::ansi_cursor_restore(3stap), function::ansi_cursor_show(3stap), stap(1), stapprobes(3stap)

October 2018 SystemTap Tapset Reference