DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / systemtap-doc / tapset::speculative.3stap.en

tapset::speculative - systemtap speculative tapset

Allocate a new id for speculative output
See function::speculation(3stap)
for details.
Store a string for possible output later
See function::speculate(3stap)
for details.
Discard all output related to a speculation buffer
See function::discard(3stap)
for details.
Write out all output related to a speculation buffer
See function::commit(3stap)
for details.

function::speculation(3stap), function::speculate(3stap), function::discard(3stap), function::commit(3stap), stap(1), stapprobes(3stap)

October 2018 SystemTap Tapset Reference