DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / tklib / datefield.3tk.en
datefield(3tk) Tk datefield widget datefield(3tk)

datefield - Tk datefield widget

package require Tk

package require datefield ?0.2?

::datefield::datefield widgetpath ?options?

The datefield package provides the datefield widget which is an enhanced text entry widget for the purpose of date entry. Only valid dates of the form MM/DD/YYYY can be entered.

The datefield widget is, in fact, just an entry widget with specialized bindings. This means all the command and options for an entry widget apply equally here.

::datefield::datefield widgetpath ?options?
Creates and configures a date field widget.

See the entry manual entry for details on all available options.

package require datefield
wm title . "Datefield example"
proc DayOfWeek {args} {
set now [clock scan $::myDate]
set ::myDate2 [clock format $now -format %A]
trace variable myDate w DayOfWeek
::datefield::datefield .df -textvariable myDate
label .l1 -text "Enter a date:" -anchor e
label .l2 -text "That date is a:" -anchor e
label .l3 -textvariable myDate2 -relief sunken -width 12
grid .l1 .df -sticky ew
grid .l2 .l3 -sticky ew
focus .df

This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems. Please report such in the category datefield of the Tklib Trackers []. Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either package and/or documentation.

clock(3tcl), entry(3tk)

clock, date, dateentry, entry, widget


Copyright (c) Keith Vetter <>
0.2 datefield