history - Provides a history for Entry widgets
package require Tcl 8.4
package require Tk 8.4
package require history ?0.1?
::history::init pathName ?length?
::history::remove pathName
::history::add pathName text
::history::get pathName
::history::clear pathName
::history::configure pathName option
This package provides a convenient history mechanism for Entry
widgets. The history may be accessed with the up and down arrow keys.
- ::history::init pathName ?length?
- Arranges to remember the history of the named Entry widget. An optional
length determines the number of history entries to keep. This may be
changed later with ::history::configure. History entries must be
added with the ::history::add command before they can be seen.
- ::history::remove pathName
- Forgets all history entries for the Entry pathName and removes the
history bindings.
- ::history::add pathName text
- This command is used to add history entries to an Entry that has
previously had ::history::init called on it. This command should be
called from your Entry handler with the contents of the entry (or whatever
you wish to add to the history).
- ::history::get pathName
- This command returns a list containing the history entries for the Entry
- ::history::clear pathName
- This command clears the history list for the named Entry.
- ::history::configure pathName option ?value?
- This command queries or sets configuration options. Currently the options
recognized are length and alert. Setting the length
determines the number of history entries to keep for the named Entry.
Alert specifies the command to run when the user reaches the end of the
history, it defaults to bell. Although configure requires a
pathName argument, the setting for alert is global and the path is
entry .e
bind .e <Return> [list ProcessEntry %W]
::history::init .e
pack .e
proc ProcessEntry {w} {
set text [$w get]
if {$text == ""} { return }
::history::add $w $text
puts $text
$w delete 0 end
This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly
contain bugs and other problems. Please report such in the category
entry::history of the Tklib Trackers
[http://core.tcl.tk/tklib/reportlist]. Please also report any ideas for
enhancements you may have for either package and/or documentation.