PBUILDER-DIST(1) | General Commands Manual | PBUILDER-DIST(1) |
pbuilder-dist, cowbuilder-dist - multi-distribution pbuilder/cowbuilder wrapper
pbuilder-dist distribution [architecture] operation [options] [...]
cowbuilder-dist distribution [architecture] operation [options] [...]
pbuilder-dist is a wrapper that makes it easy to use pbuilder with many different versions of Ubuntu and/or Debian.
It is common to symlink this script in order to give it many names in the form of pbuilder-distribution or pbuilder-distribution-architecture, like for example pbuilder-feisty, pbuilder-sid, pbuilder-gutsy-i386, etc.
The same applies to cowbuilder-dist, which uses cowbuilder. The main difference between both is that pbuilder compresses the created chroot as a a tarball, thus using less disc space but needing to uncompress (and possibly compress) its contents again on each run, and cowbuilder doesn't do this.
There are many arguments listed on the synopsis; each of them, if used, has to be used exactly in the same order as it appears there. In case you renamed the script to pbuilder-distribution, do not use the distribution parameter; same with i386 / amd64 if the name also contains -architecture.
By default, pbuilder-dist will store all the files it generates in ~/pbuilder/. This can be changed by setting the PBUILDFOLDER environment variable. If the directory doesn't exist, it will be created on the run.
A file with the log of the last operation, called last_operation.log, will be saved in the results subdirectory of each build environment.
The default authentication method is sudo. You can change this by setting the PBUILDAUTH variable.
By default, pbuilder-dist use the master Debian and Ubuntu mirrors. The pbuilder MIRRORSITE and OTHERMIRROR variables are supported, as are the standard ubuntu-dev-tools variables: UBUNTUTOOLS_DEBIAN_MIRROR, PBUILDER_DIST_DEBIAN_MIRROR, UBUNTUTOOLS_DEBSEC_MIRROR, PBUILDER_DIST_DEBSEC_MIRROR, UBUNTUTOOLS_UBUNTU_MIRROR, PBUILDER_DIST_UBUNTU, UBUNTUTOOLS_UBUNTU_PORTS_MIRROR, and PBUILDER_DIST_UBUNTU_PORTS_MIRROR. See ubuntu-dev-tools (5) for details.
You may also want to know that pbuilder-dist exports DIST and ARCH environment variables to the invoked process, containing the name of the distribution and the architecture targeted by the current build. You can make use of them, for example, in pbuilderrc.
If you experience any problem with this script contact me on rainct@ubuntu.com or file a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-dev-tools.
Please ensure first that the problem is really this script and not an issue with pbuilder or cowbuilder themselves.
pbuilder(1), pbuilderrc(5), cowbuilder(1), ubuntu-dev-tools(5).
pbuilder-dist and this manual page were written by Siegfried-A. Gevatter <rainct@ubuntu.com>, with contributions from Iain Lane <iain@orangesquash.org.uk>, Emmet Hikory <persia@ubuntu.com> and others.
pbuilder-dist is released under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later.
January 10, 2008 | ubuntu-dev-tools |