DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / unicycler / unicycler_align.1.en

unicycler_align - sensitive semi-global long read aligner

unicycler_align [-h] --ref REF --reads READS --sam SAM [--contamination CONTAMINATION] [--scores SCORES] [--low_score LOW_SCORE] [--keep_bad] [--sensitivity SENSITIVITY] [--threads THREADS] [--verbosity VERBOSITY] [--min_len MIN_LEN] [--allowed_overlap ALLOWED_OVERLAP]

Unicycler align - a sensitive semi-global long read aligner

show this help message and exit
FASTA file containing one or more reference sequences
FASTQ or FASTA file of long reads
SAM file of resulting alignments
FASTA file of known contamination in long reads
Comma-delimited string of alignment scores: match, mismatch, gap open, gap extend (default: 3,-6,-5,-2)
Score threshold - alignments below this are considered poor (default: set threshold automatically)
Include alignments in the results even if they are below the low score threshold (default: low-scoring alignments are discarded)
A number from 0 (least sensitive) to 3 (most sensitive) (default: 0)
Number of threads used (default: number of CPUs, up to 8)
Level of stdout information (0 to 4) (default: 1)
Minimum alignment length (bp) - exclude alignments shorter than this length (default: 100)
Allow this much overlap between alignments in a single read (default: 100)


This manpage was written by Andreas Tille for the Debian distribution and can be used for any other usage of the program.

October 2018 unicycler_align 0.4.7