DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / uuid-runtime / uuidparse.1.en

uuidparse - a utility to parse unique identifiers

uuidparse [options] uuid

This command will parse unique identifier inputs from either command line arguments or standard input. The inputs are white-space separated.

NCS Network Computing System identifier. These were the original UUIDs.
DCE The Open Software Foundation's (OSF) Distributed Computing Environment UUIDs.
Microsoft Microsoft Windows platform globally unique identifier (GUID).
other Unknown variant. Usually invalid input data.

nil Special type for zero in type file.
time-based The DCE time based.
DCE The DCE time and MAC Address.
name-based RFC 4122 md5sum hash.
random RFC 4122 random.
sha1-based RFC 4122 sha-1 hash.
unknown Unknown type. Usually invalid input data.

Use JSON output format.
Do not print a header line.
Specify which output columns to print. Use --help to get a list of all supported columns.
Use the raw output format.
Display version information and exit.
Display help text and exit.

Sami Kerola

uuidgen(1), libuuid(3), RFC 4122

The example command is part of the util-linux package and is available from Linux Kernel Archive.

2017-06-18 util-linux