DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / wireshark-common / randpktdump.1.en
RANDPKTDUMP(1) The Wireshark Network Analyzer RANDPKTDUMP(1)

randpktdump - Provide an interface to generate random captures using randpkt

randpktdump--help ] [ --version ] [ --extcap-interfaces ] [ --extcap-dlts ] [ --extcap-interface=<interface> ] [ --extcap-config ] [ --capture ] [ --fifo=<path to file or pipe> ] [ --maxbytes=<bytes> ] [ --random-type=<true|false> ] [ --all-random=<true|false> ] [ --type=<packet type> ]

randpktdump is a extcap tool that provides access to the random packet generator (randpkt). It is mainly used for testing and educational purpose.

Print program arguments.
Print program version.
List available interfaces.
Use specified interfaces.
List DLTs of specified interface.
List configuration options of specified interface.
Start capturing from specified interface save saved it in place specified by --fifo.
Save captured packet to file or send it through pipe.
Set the max number of bytes per packet.
Choose a random packet type for all packets if set to true.
Choose a different random packet type for each packet if set to true.
Use the selected packet type. To list all the available packet type, run randpktdump --help.

To see program arguments:

    randpktdump --help

To see program version:

    randpktdump --version

To see interfaces:

    randpktdump --extcap-interfaces
  Example output:
    interface {value=randpkt}{display=Random packet generator}

To see interface DLTs:

    randpktdump --extcap-interface=randpkt --extcap-dlts
  Example output:
    dlt {number=1}{name=randpkt}{display=Ethernet}

To see interface configuration options:

    randpktdump --extcap-interface=randpkt --extcap-config
  Example output:
    arg {number=0}{call=--maxbytes}{display=Max bytes in a packet}{type=unsigned}{range=1,5000}{default=5000}{tooltip=The max number of bytes in a packet}
    arg {number=1}{call=--count}{display=Number of packets}{type=long}{default=1000}{tooltip=Number of packets to generate (-1 for infinite)}
    arg {number=2}{call=--random-type}{display=Random type}{type=boolean}{default=false}{tooltip=The packets type is randomly choosen}
    arg {number=3}{call=--all-random}{display=All random packets}{type=boolean}{default=false}{tooltip=Packet type for each packet is randomly choosen}
    arg {number=4}{call=--type}{display=Type of packet}{type=selector}{tooltip=Type of packet to generate}
    value {arg=4}{value=arp}{display=Address Resolution Protocol}
    value {arg=4}{value=usb-linux}{display=Universal Serial Bus with Linux specific header}

To capture:

    randpktdump --extcap-interface=randpkt --fifo=/tmp/randpkt.pcapng --capture

NOTE: To stop capturing CTRL+C/kill/terminate application.

wireshark(1), tshark(1), dumpcap(1), extcap(4), randpkt(1)

randpktdump is part of the Wireshark distribution. The latest version of Wireshark can be found at <>.

HTML versions of the Wireshark project man pages are available at: <>.

  Original Author
  Dario Lombardo             <lomato[AT]>
2022-05-29 2.6.20