DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / allegro5-doc / al_register_bitmap_loader_f.3alleg5.en
al_register_bitmap_loader_f(3alleg5) al_register_bitmap_loader_f(3alleg5)

al_register_bitmap_loader_f - Allegro 5 API

#include <allegro5/allegro.h>
bool al_register_bitmap_loader_f(const char *extension,

ALLEGRO_BITMAP *(*fs_loader)(ALLEGRO_FILE *fp, int flags))

Register a handler for al_load_bitmap_f(3alleg5). The given function will be used to handle the loading of bitmaps files with the given extension.

The extension should include the leading dot (`.') character. It will be matched case-insensitively.

The fs_loader argument may be NULL to unregister an entry.

Returns true on success, false on error. Returns false if unregistering an entry that doesn’t exist.


Allegro reference manual