DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / altree / altree-add-S.1p.en
ALTREE-ADD-S(1p) User Contributed Perl Documentation ALTREE-ADD-S(1p)

altree-add-S - Title...

altree-add-S [options]

    --version             program version
    --short-help|h        brief help message
    --help                help message with options descriptions
    --man                 full documentation
    --first-input-file|i  input file 1
    --second-input-file|j input file 2 data concerning the trait (qualitative or quantitative)
    --output-file|o       output file
    --epsilon|e           epsilon value
    --data-type|t         data type: SNP or DNA
    --proportion|p        proportion of cases in the sample (for qualitative data only)
    --data-qual|q         data type: qualitative or quantitative
    [--outgroup|g]        name of the outgroup
    --low|l               if an haplotype is present equal or less than -l times, the state of S will be set to "?"

Print the program version and exits.
Print a brief help message and exits.
Print a help message with options descriptions and exits.
Prints the manual page and exits.
Input file 1 (paup or phylip file)
Input file 2, contains the number of times a given haplotypes is carried by case and control individuals (qualitative data) or the quantitative values correqsponding to a givent haplotype (quantitative data)
Output file
espilon parameter (see formula in the documentation)
Type of data: DNA (ATGCU) or SNP (0-1)
Proportion of case individuals in the sample
Name of the outgroup (if it is not in the file containing the number of cases and controls per haplotype)
Specify if the data are qualitative or quantitative
if an haplotype is present equal or less than -l times, the state of S will be set to "?"

This program adds a new character (called "character S") to each haplotype in the input file according to the number of cases and controls carrying it.

2020-11-09 perl v5.32.0