DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / arden / arden-analyze.1.en

arden-analyze - analyze the results of the artificial reference genome mapping

arden-analyze [options] [INPUT FILE] [OUTPUTFOLDER] ...

Script to analyze the results of the artificial reference genome mapping. This script identifies the putative TPs / FPs on a specific data set (reads).

path to output destination folder.
ppath to ini file. To get the required format have a look at the example files.
show program's version number and exit
show this help message and exit
Specify the PHRED encoding of the input reads i.e. Illumina 1.3+ = -p 33.[default: 33]
Use internal ranking for reads (needed if the read names cannot be lexicographically be sorted in the same way in python and your OS by sam tools).[default:1]
February 2014 arden-analyze 2013-04-25