DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / aseqjoy / aseqjoy.1.en
aseqjoy(1) User Commands aseqjoy(1)

aseqjoy - Joystick to ALSA MIDI Sequencer Converter

aseqjoy [options]

Aseqjoy maps each axis of a joystick device to a specific MIDI controller. Moving the joystick along an axis will cause aseqjoy to emit MIDI controller messages via ALSA's sequencer API. The value of the controller message represents the joystick's position along the axis (eg ´left´ -> 0, ´middle´ -> 63, ´right´ -> 127). Note that you can run aseqjoy with the ´-r´ commandline switch to use fine MIDI control change messages instead (with 14 bit resolution).

Aseqjoy uses the ALSA sequencer API to emit the MIDI events. Therefor it creates and output port named after joystick used. You can then use for example aconnect, QjackCtrl or the alsa-patch-bay to connect an aseqjoy instance to an input port of your choice.

Note: Some joysticks may have to be calibrated (with jscal) before they can be used efficiently.

Display help info
Select the joystick to use for aseqjoy, where [joystick] is an integer value from from 0 to 3 effectivley selecting devices js0 to js3.
Verbose mode - aseqjoy will output information about the MIDI events sent.
-0 [controller]
Select the MIDI controller ID for axis 0. As a default value aseqjoy will use 10 + the axis ID, so for axis 0 that would be 10 + 0 = 10.
-1 [controller], -2 [controller], -3 [controller],
Just like -0 this will set the controller IDs for axes 1, 2, 3.
Use fine MIDI control change messages instead (14 bit insstead of 7 bit resolution).

After aseqjoy has started successfully all motion detected by the selected joystick device will cause MIDI controller messages to be emitted via the corresponding ALSA sequencer output port. The controller IDs are either the default values (10, 11, 12 ...) or the ones given as commandline options.

Pressing a joystick button will cause aseqjoy to switch the MIDI channel. On startup channel '1' is selected. Pressing joystick button 2 will cause channel 2 to be selected. Other buttons work accordingly.

aseqjoy comes under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or (at your option) any later version - for details please refer to the file COPYING included with the aseqjoy source code.

Man page and software by Alexander Koenig <>.

jscal(1), aconnect(1)

May 2016 aseqjoy 0.0.2