DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / aspectc++ / ac++.1.en
AspectC++(1) General Commands Manual AspectC++(1)

aspectc++ — aspect weaver for C++

ac++ -p srcidr -d destdir

ac++ -c input -o outputr

This manual page documents briefly the ac++ command.

ac++ is the AspectC++ weaver. ac++ does source-to-source translation. This manual page documents the minimum needed in order to use ac++. For a better reference, see AspectC++ documentation.

The first syntax form above invokes ac++ in WPT mode, while the second one invokes it in STU mode (see OPERATION MODES below)

WPT (whole program transformation) mode does the translation of the entire source tree into another one. This is useful to apply all the aspects of one source tree, generating other source tree with the aspects woven into the sources.

To use WPT mode, run ac++ with the first syntax form Specify the original source tree in the srcdir argument, and a name for the destination source tree in the destdir argument.

STU (single translation unit) mode does the translation of one translation unit, namely a C++ single file, for exemple. This mode applies to the translation units all aspects that affect it.

To use STU mode, run ac++ with the second syntax form. Specify the translation unit in the input argument, and the output file in the output argument. The -c works as in g++: if omitted, you're telling to ac++ to compile the source into an executable; if present, source will be compiled into an object (.o) file.

Further options can be seen in AspectC++ documentation.

ag++ (1), g++ (1).

Again: for full reference on AspectC++ usage, see AspectC++ documentation. It can be obtained from

This manual page was written by Antonio S. de A. Terceiro <> for the Debian system (but may be used by others). Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2 any later version published by the Free Software Foundation.

On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL.