hciconfig - configure Bluetooth devices
hciconfig -h
hciconfig [-a]
hciconfig [-a] hciX [command [command
hciconfig is used to configure Bluetooth devices.
hciX is the name of a Bluetooth device installed in the system. If
hciX is not given, hciconfig prints name and basic information
about all the Bluetooth devices installed in the system. If hciX is
given but no command is given, it prints basic information on device
hciX only. Basic information is interface type, BD address, ACL MTU,
SCO MTU, flags (up, init, running, raw, page scan enabled, inquiry scan
enabled, inquiry, authentication enabled, encryption enabled).
- -h, --help
- Gives a list of possible commands.
- -a, --all
- Other than the basic info, print features, packet type, link policy, link
mode, name, class, version.
- up
- Open and initialize HCI device.
- down
- Close HCI device.
- reset
- Reset HCI device.
- rstat
- Reset statistic counters.
- auth
- Enable authentication (sets device to security mode 3).
- noauth
- Disable authentication.
- encrypt
- Enable encryption (sets device to security mode 3).
- noencrypt
- Disable encryption.
- secmgr
- Enable security manager (current kernel support is limited).
- nosecmgr
- Disable security manager.
- piscan
- Enable page and inquiry scan.
- noscan
- Disable page and inquiry scan.
- iscan
- Enable inquiry scan, disable page scan.
- pscan
- Enable page scan, disable inquiry scan.
- ptype
- With no type , displays the current packet types. Otherwise, all
the packet types specified by type are set. type is a
comma-separated list of packet types, where the possible packet types are
DM1, DM3, DM5, DH1, DH3, DH5,
HV1, HV2, HV3.
- name
- With no name, prints local name. Otherwise, sets local name to
- class
- With no class, prints class of device. Otherwise, sets class of
device to class. class is a 24-bit hex number describing the
class of device, as specified in section 1.2 of the Bluetooth Assigned
Numers document.
- voice
- With no voice, prints voice setting. Otherwise, sets voice setting
to voice. voice is a 16-bit hex number describing the voice
- iac [iac]
- With no iac, prints the current IAC setting. Otherwise, sets the
IAC to iac.
- inqtpl
- With no level, prints out the current inquiry transmit power level.
Otherwise, sets inquiry transmit power level to level.
- inqmode
- With no mode, prints out the current inquiry mode. Otherwise, sets
inquiry mode to mode.
- inqdata
- With no name, prints out the current inquiry data. Otherwise, sets
inquiry data to data.
- inqtype
- With no type, prints out the current inquiry scan type. Otherwise,
sets inquiry scan type to type.
- inqparams
- With no win:int, prints inquiry scan window and interval.
Otherwise, sets inquiry scan window to win slots and inquiry scan
interval to int slots.
- pageparms
- With no win:int, prints page scan window and interval.
Otherwise, sets page scan window to win slots and page scan
interval to int slots.
- pageto
- With no to, prints page timeout. Otherwise, sets page timeout to .I
to slots.
- afhmode
- With no mode, prints out the current AFH mode. Otherwise, sets AFH
mode to mode.
- sspmode
- With no mode, prints out the current Simple Pairing mode.
Otherwise, sets Simple Pairing mode to mode.
- aclmtu
- Sets ACL MTU to to mtu bytes and ACL buffer size to pkt
- scomtu
- Sets SCO MTU to mtu bytes and SCO buffer size to pkt
- delkey
- This command deletes the stored link key for bdaddr from the
- oobdata
- Get local OOB data (invalidates previously read data).
- commands
- Display supported commands.
- features
- Display device features.
- version
- Display version information.
- revision
- Display revision information.
- lm [mode]
- With no mode , prints link mode. MASTER or SLAVE
mean, respectively, to ask to become master or to remain slave when a
connection request comes in. The additional keyword ACCEPT means
that baseband connections will be accepted even if there are no listening
AF_BLUETOOTH sockets. mode is NONE or a
comma-separated list of keywords, where possible keywords are
MASTER and ACCEPT . NONE sets link policy to the
default behaviour of remaining slave and not accepting baseband
connections when there are no listening AF_BLUETOOTH sockets. If
MASTER is present, the device will ask to become master if a
connection request comes in. If ACCEPT is present, the device will
accept baseband connections even when there are no listening
Written by Maxim Krasnyansky <maxk@qualcomm.com> and Marcel
Holtmann <marcel@holtmann.org>
man page by Fabrizio Gennari