DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / calibre /

ebook-meta - ebook-meta

ebook-meta ebook_file [options]

Read/Write metadata from/to e-book files.

Supported formats for reading metadata: azw, azw1, azw3, azw4, cb7, cbr, cbz, chm, docx, epub, fb2, fbz, html, htmlz, imp, lit, lrf, lrx, mobi, odt, oebzip, opf, pdb, pdf, pml, pmlz, pobi, prc, rar, rb, rtf, snb, tpz, txt, txtz, updb, zip

Supported formats for writing metadata: azw, azw1, azw3, azw4, docx, epub, fb2, fbz, htmlz, lrf, mobi, odt, pdb, pdf, prc, rtf, tpz, txtz

Different file types support different kinds of metadata. If you try to set some metadata on a file type that does not support it, the metadata will be silently ignored.

Whenever you pass arguments to ebook-meta that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

String to be used when sorting by author. If unspecified, and the author(s) are specified, it will be auto-generated from the author(s).

Določite avtorje. Več avtorjev ločite z znakom &. Imena avtorjev naj bodo v zaporedju Ime Priimek.

Določite producenta knjige.

Določite kategorijo knjige.

Set the e-book description.

Določite naslovnico navedene datoteke.

Določite datum izdaje.

Read metadata from the specified OPF file and use it to set metadata in the e-book. Metadata specified on the command line will override metadata read from the OPF file

Get the cover from the e-book and save it at as the specified file.

show this help message and exit

Set the identifiers for the book, can be specified multiple times. For example: --identifier uri: --identifier isbn:12345 To remove an identifier, specify no value, --identifier isbn: Note that for EPUB files, an identifier marked as the package identifier cannot be removed.

Določite indeks knjige v tej zbirki ali nizu.

Določite številko ISBN knjige.

Določite jezik.

V datotekah LRF določite BookID

Set the e-book publisher.

Določite oceno. Dovoljene so številke med 1 in 5.

Set the series this e-book belongs to.

Določite značke za knjigo. Zapis v z vejicami ločenem seznamu.

Določite naslov.

Različica naslova, ki bo uporabljena za razvrščanje. Če je ne navedete, naslov pa je naveden, bo samodejno izdelana iz naslova.

Specify the name of an OPF file. The metadata will be written to the OPF file.

show program's version number and exit

Kovid Goyal

Kovid Goyal

februar 26, 2021 5.12.0