DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / calibre /
WEB2DISK(1) calibre WEB2DISK(1)

web2disk - web2disk

web2disk URL

Kus URL on näiteks

Alati kui edastad programmile web2disk tühikuid sisaldavaid argumente, ümbritse argumendid jutumärkidega. Näiteks: "/some path/with spaces"

Põhikaust, kuhu URL salvestatakse. Vaikimisi väärtuseks on .

Minimum interval in seconds between consecutive fetches. Default is 0 s

Ära laadi alla CSS-laadilehti.

The character encoding for the websites you are trying to download. The default is to try and guess the encoding.

Any link that matches this regular expression will be ignored. This option can be specified multiple times, in which case as long as any regexp matches a link, it will be ignored. By default, no links are ignored. If both filter regexp and match regexp are specified, then filter regexp is applied first.

näita seda veateadet ja välju

Only links that match this regular expression will be followed. This option can be specified multiple times, in which case as long as a link matches any one regexp, it will be followed. By default all links are followed.

The maximum number of files to download. This only applies to files from <a href> tags. Default is 9223372036854775807

Maximum number of levels to recurse i.e. depth of links to follow. Default 1

Timeout in seconds to wait for a response from the server. Default: 10.0 s

Näita üksikasjalikku väljundi teavet. Kasulik veaotsingul

näita programmi versiooninumbrit ja välju

Kovid Goyal

Kovid Goyal

veebruar 26, 2021 5.12.0