callisto - Unix version of the e-Callisto software
The Unix version of the e-Callisto software is a daemon program
that can record uncalibrated data and spectral overviews from the Callisto
hardware. If calibration of the data is desired, it must be done afterwards
by other means. The recorded data is saved as FITS files into the configured
directory. Version 1.1.0 of the software supports Callisto firmware versions
1.5, 1.7 and 1.8. Previous versions supported only firmware version 1.5.
The program operation can be controlled by a schedule file, and
also directly via a command server listening on a TCP port.
- -c, --config
- Use the specified configuration file instead of
/etc/callisto/callisto.cfg. The location of the configuration file
also specifies the configuration directory, which is where other
configuration files (frequency file and schedule) are assumed to be in if
they are not specified with an absolute file name.
- -o, --datadir
- Specify the directory where the recorded data is stored as FITS files.
This overrides the value set in the configuration file.
- -O, --ovsdir
- Specify the directory where spectral overview result files are written.
This overrides the value set in the configuration file.
- -s, --schedule
- Use the given schedule file instead of scheduler.cfg in the
configuration directory.
- -u, --user
- Run as the given user.
- -L,
- Upload the channel frequency data into the EEPROM. This is not normally
done to conserve EEPROM write cycles, and also to speed up program start.
The data only needs to be uploaded if the channel frequencies have
- -C, --check-only
- Try to reset and identify Callisto hardware, and exit with status 0 if
Callisto is detected, and with status 1 otherwise. The check is done after
channel upload, so -L and -C can be used together for channel upload.
- -P, --pidfile
- Write program PID in the specified file.
- -d, --debug
- Do not fork into background and turn on verbose debug messages. Logging is
output to stderr.
- -D, --serial-debug
- Print serial port traffic into stderr. Give this option twice to enable
colors: red color for data going to Callisto and blue for data coming from
Callisto. This option implies --debug.
- -V, --version
- Print program version.
- -h, --help
- Print program help text showing available options.
The Unix callisto uses the same configuration file format as the
Windows software: entries are in the format [variable]=value and
comments start with // or /*. The variables are compatible
with the Windows software, except of course those that refer to file
The following variables must be defined:
- rxcomport
- Full path of the serial port device where the Callisto hardware is
connected to this computer, e.g. /dev/ttyS0.
- instrument
- Short instrument code, appears as the first component of the FITS file
- origin
- Location of the instrument (e.g. the institute/observatory).
- frqfile
- The channel frequency file to use. the file name is either an absolute
path, or relative to the configuration directory.
- datapath
- The directory where FITS files of the recorded data are stored.
- longitude
- Longitude of the instrument location in degrees, in the form of
E,12.3 or W,45.6.
- latitude
- Longitude of the instrument location in degrees, in the form of
N,12.3 or S,45.6.
- height
- Height above sea level of the instrument location, in meters.
- filetime
- The time in seconds to record into one FITS file.
- focuscode
- The focuscode to use.
The following variables may be defined:
- ovspath
- The directory where spectral overview files are stored. Default is the
value of datapath.
- chargepump
- Whether PLL charge pump should be on or off. Default is 1 (on).
- agclevel
- PWM level for tuner AGC. Default is 120.
- clocksource
- Which source to use as the sampling clock. 1 for internal clock, 2 for
external 1 MHz clock. Default is 1 (internal clock).
- mmode
- Select the measurement mode. As only mode 3 is supported, setting this to
any other value will cause an error on callisto startup. Defaults to
- autostart
- If set to 1, recording is automatically started on program startup. If set
to 0, recording is not automatically started. If not defined or set to a
negative value, the autostart value is deduced from the schedule, or set
to 1 if there is no schedule. Default is -1 (deduce from schedule).
The following variables are specific to the Unix version:
- net_port
- Start the command server on this TCP port. If not defined, the command
server is not started.
Variables not listed above are ignored.
The frequency file has the same syntax as the configuration file.
The following variables must be defined:
- target
- This must have the value CALLISTO.
- number_of_measurements_per_sweep
- The number of channels to use, from 1 to 512.
- number_of_sweeps_per_second
- How many channel sweeps to perform per second. The sample rate derived
from multiplying the number of channels by this value should not exceed
The following variable may be defined:
- external_lo
- Frequency of the frontend downconverter local oscillator in MHz. Defaults
to 0.
Additionally there must be an entry in the form
[NNNN]=FFF.FFF,L for each channel used, where NNNN is the channel
number, from 1 onwards, FFF.FFF is the channel frequency in MHz, and L is
the number of lightcurve samples (ignored by the Unix version).
The FITS files have a file name in the format, where CCC is the instrument code
specified by the configuration variable instrument, YYYYMMDD and
hhmmss are the (UTC) starting date and time of the data in the file, and FF
is the focuscode used.
Spectral overview file names have the format
Logging is done to the daemon facility of syslog, which typically
ends up in /var/log/daemon.log.
The command server listens at the TCP port specified by the
configuration file variable net_port. When a connection is
established, the server prints a banner line "e-Callisto for Unix
V.V.V", where V.V.V is the program version. After that it will accept
commands. Responses to commands consist of a status line beginning either
with OK or ERROR, followed by zero or more data lines, and terminated by an
empty line. The following commands are available.
- start
- Start data recording. If a spectral overview is in progress, recording is
started after it finishes. If recording is already in progress, a new FITS
file is started at the end of the current channel sweep. This command
never fails.
- stop
- Stop data recording. If a spectral overview is in progress, recording is
not (re)started after it finishes. This command never fails.
- overview
- Start a spectral overview. If an overview is already in progress, this
command is ignored. After the overview has finished, the recording state
is restored to its previous value (unless start or stop commands were
issued during the overview). This command never fails.
- get
- Get the data from the latest complete channel sweep. The first data line
printed is in the format t=NNNNNNNNNN.NNNNNN, giving the start time
of the sweep in Unix epoch time. The rest of the data lines have the
format chNNN=FFF.FFF:XXX, where NNN is the channel number, from 001
to 512, FFF.FFF is the channel frequency in MHz, and XXX is the channel
value (in A/D converter units). This command may fail if there is no data
in the buffer.
- quit
- Close connection to the command server. This command never fails.
Scheduled operation of the program is supported via a schedule
file. The default schedule file is scheduler.cfg in the configuration
directory. The schedule file contains entries in the format
hh:mm:ss,FF,A, which specifies the UTC time hh:mm:ss of the schedule
entry, the focuscode FF for which it is valid for, and the action A to take.
Supported actions are start (3), stop (0) and overview (8).
The Unix version of callisto does not support changing the
focuscode or the frequency file (which would be the optional fourth field of
the schedule entry) on the fly.
If there is no schedule file, the program remains in manual
control, possibly starting recording automatically on startup. The schedule
file is checked for existence or changes every minute. If the schedule file
appears or has changed, it is (re)loaded and the new schedule becomes
active. If the program is in scheduled operation, and the schedule file
disappears, is empty, or cannot be read, the program reverts to manual
control and recording is started.
The helper script callisto-sunschedule(1) can be used to
create schedule files that record data only between sunrise and sunset.
Sending the HUP signal to the callisto program has the same
effect as issuing the start command via the command server.
When the program receives the TERM signal, it tries to exit
cleanly by stopping the Callisto hardware and writing any pending data
buffers to disk. If a second termination signal is sent before the clean
exit has finished, the program exits immediately, possibly causing the
latest data to be lost.
- /etc/callisto
- Default configuration directory.
- /etc/callisto/callisto.cfg
- Default configuration file.
- /etc/callisto/scheduler.cfg
- Default schedule file.
Juha Aatrokoski <>