DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / carton / Carton::Doc::Bundle.3pm.en
Carton::Doc::Bundle(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Carton::Doc::Bundle(3pm)

Carton::Doc::Bundle - Bundle cached tarballs in vendor/cache

  carton bundle

This command bundles cached tarballs into "vendor/cache" directory. These tarballs have been cached in "local/cache" while resolving dependencies in the snapshot file.snapshot.

Bundled modules can be committed to a version control system, or transferred to another host with scp/rsync etc. to install with either "carton install --cached", or a plain cpanm command with:

  cpanm --from file://$PWD/vendor/cache -L local --installdeps .
2020-11-04 perl v5.30.3