DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / ceph-common / ceph-conf.8.en

ceph-conf - ceph conf file tool

ceph-conf -c conffile --list-all-sections
ceph-conf -c conffile -L
ceph-conf -c conffile -l prefix
ceph-conf key -s section1 ...
ceph-conf [-s section ] [-r] --lookup key
ceph-conf [-s section ] key

ceph-conf is a utility for getting information from a ceph configuration file. As with most Ceph programs, you can specify which Ceph configuration file to use with the -c flag.

Note that unlike other ceph tools, ceph-conf will only read from config files (or return compiled-in default values)--it will not fetch config values from the monitor cluster. For this reason it is recommended that ceph-conf only be used in legacy environments that are strictly config-file based. New deployments and tools should instead rely on either querying the monitor explicitly for configuration (e.g., ceph config get <daemon> <option>) or use daemons themselves to fetch effective config options (e.g., ceph-osd -i 123 --show-config-value osd_data). The latter option has the advantages of drawing from compiled-in defaults (which occasionally vary between daemons), config files, and the monitor's config database, providing the exact value that that daemon would be using if it were started.

ceph-conf performs one of the following actions:

list all sections in the configuration file.

list the sections with the given prefix. For example, --list-sections mon would list all sections beginning with mon.

search and print the specified configuration setting. Note: --lookup is the default action. If no other actions are given on the command line, we will default to doing a lookup.

print a summary of usage.

the Ceph configuration file.

filter section list to only include sections with given key defined.

filter section list to only include sections with given key/value pair.

the Ceph name in which the sections are searched (default 'client.admin'). For example, if we specify --name osd.0, the following sections will be searched: [osd.0], [osd], [global]

search for the first file that exists and can be opened in the resulted comma delimited search list.

additional sections to search. These additional sections will be searched before the sections that would normally be searched. As always, the first matching entry we find will be returned.

To find out what value osd 0 will use for the "osd data" option:

ceph-conf -c foo.conf  --name osd.0 --lookup "osd data"

To find out what value will mds a use for the "log file" option:

ceph-conf -c foo.conf  --name mds.a "log file"

To list all sections that begin with "osd":

ceph-conf -c foo.conf -l osd

To list all sections:

ceph-conf -c foo.conf -L

To print the path of the "keyring" used by "client.0":

ceph-conf --name client.0 -r -l keyring

/etc/ceph/$cluster.conf, ~/.ceph/$cluster.conf, $cluster.conf

the Ceph configuration files to use if not specified.

ceph-conf is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please refer to the Ceph documentation at for more information.


2010-2021, Inktank Storage, Inc. and contributors. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 (CC-BY-SA-3.0)

May 27, 2021 dev