DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / cliquer / cliquer.1.en

cliquer - find cliques in weighted and unweighted graphs.

cliquer --help

cliquer [ options ] graph-filename

cliquer searched for cliques in a graph. The graph is read from the file given as command line argument, or stdin if that filename is "-".

The file must be ASCII as described below or a binary DIMACS-format.

By default it prints the first maximal clique it finds, but this can be changed with the options described below.

Displays a short list of options and what they do.
Find all cliques.
Find only one clique (default).
Tell only maximum weight (no faster than -s).
Search for cliques with weight at least N.

If N=0, searches for maximum weight clique (default).

Search for cliques with weight at most N.

If N=0, no limit is imposed (default).

N being positive is incompatible with "--min 0" ("--min 1" is assumed).

Require cliques to be maximal.
Assume weight 1 for all vertices.
-0 --from-0
Number vertices 0 to n-1 instead of 1 to n when writing.
Suppresses progress output.

Specifying -q twice suppresses all output except the actual result.

Reorder with function F. Available reordering functions are:
No ordering (same order as in the file).
Reverse order as in the file.
One of the two below, depending on weightedness.
Coloring method efficient for unweighted graphs.
Coloring method efficient for weighted graphs.
Order by ascending degree.
Random order.

The format of the ASCII representation of a graph is the following: Each line has a single letter (enclosed in spaces) as first part.

A line with 'p' starts the graph. The second token is a name of at most 15 characters and ignored. Then there is the number of nodes in this graph. Then the number of edges (currently ignored).

A line with 'e' adds an edge. The two next tokens are the numbers of two nodes to connect.

A line with 'n' weights an node. The first argument is the number of the node to assign a weight to, the second it's weight.

p clausehouse 5 8
e 4 3
e 3 1
e 1 2
e 2 3
e 3 5
e 5 2
e 2 4
e 4 5
n 1 2

Cliquer is Copyright © 2002 Sampo Niskanen, Patric Ostergard

Cliquer is licensed under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The full license is included in the file LICENSE.

Basically, you can use Cliquer for any purpose, provided that any programs or modifications you make and distribute are also licensed under the GNU GPL.

ABSOLUTELY NO GUARANTEES OR WARRANTIES are made concerning the suitability, correctness, or any other aspect of these routines.

This manpage is based on text from the cliquer program with the obove copyright and license with modification Copyright © 2011 Bernhard R. Link, also available under above license.

2011-03-14 cliquer