DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / cod-tools / cif2xyz.1.en
CIF2XYZ(1) General Commands Manual CIF2XYZ(1)

cif2xyz - read CIF files and print atom coordinates in XYZ format.

cif2xyz --options input.cif

Read CIF files and print atom coordinates in XYZ format.

Append covalent radii to the atom coordinates.

--no-print-radii, --dont-print-radii, --xyz-only
Print only Cartesian XYZ coordinates for input atoms

Add the total number of atoms on the first line of
the output, followed by an empty line (default).



Do not add the total number of atoms on the first line.


Specify parser to parse CIF files (default: C parser).

--help, --usage
Output a short usage message (this message) and exit.

Output version information and exit.

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