DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / connman / connmanctl.1.en
connmanctl(1) General Commands Manual connmanctl(1)

connmanctl - Connman CLI

connmanctl [state | technologies | enable technology|offline | disable technology|offline | tether technology on|off | tether wifi on|off ssid passphrase | services [service] | peers peer | scan technology | connect service|peer | disconnect service|peer | config  service option arg... | vpnconnections [connection] | help]

Connmanctl is a Connman command line interface which can be run in two modes: a plain synchronous command input, and an asynchronous interactive shell. To run a specific command the user may enter connmanctl command [options] or just connmanctl, in the latter case an interactive shell will start.

Connmanctl can handle most network connections. It can be used to enable/disable any technology that exists on the system, display a list of services available, connect/disconnect networks, show properties of the system, the technologies, and any individual service, and configure all of the properties. It is also able to monitor changes in the properties of the services, technologies, and the system.

In the interactive shell, all of the same commands can be used. It provides quicker usage when needing to use connmanctl more extensively. In addition, connecting to protected wireless access points for the first time requires interactive shell.

Shows the abbreviated help menu in the terminal.
Shows the system properties. Includes ths online state of the system, offline mode, and session mode.
Shows a list of all technology types existing on the system and their properties. See the properties section of the Technology API for explanations of each property.
Enables the given technology type (e.g. ethernet, wifi, 3g, etc.) Turns power on to the technology, but doesn't connect unless there is a service with autoconnect set to True.
Disables the given technology type. Turns power off to the technology and disconnects if it is already connected.
enable offline
Enables offline mode. Disconnects and powers down all technologies system-wide, however each technology can be powered back on individually.
disable offline
Disables offline mode. Technologies are powered back on according to their individual policies.
Enable or disable tethering on technology. Ethernet cannot be tethered by default since tethering it usually breaks local networks. See connman.conf(5) for enabling.
tether wifi on | off ssid passphrase
Enable or disable wireless tethering, as well set the SSID and passphrase.
Shows a list of all available services. This includes the nearby wifi networks, the wired ethernet connections, bluetooth devices, etc. An asterisk in front of the service indicates that the service has been connected before.
Shows a list of all properties for that service. Only the service path (e.g. wifi_6834534139723_managed_none) is accepted as a parameter.
Scans for new services on the given technology.
Connects to the given service. Some services need a so-called provisioning file in order to connect to them, see connman-service.config(5).
Disconnects from the given service.
Prefer connecting to service over target-service.
Prefer connecting to target-service over service.
Configures a writable property of the given service to the value(s) entered after option. See the Config Options subsection for details.
Listens for and displays DBus signals sent by Connman. If a currently monitored property changes, the changes will be shown. If no target is specified, all changes will be shown. See the Monitor Options subsection for a summary of parameters.
Shows a list of all available vpn connections.
Shows the current properties of connection.

Enable or disable the wireless agent, used for entering wireless network passphrases. See the EXAMPLE section of this man page for an example of connecting to a wireless access point.
Enable or disable the vpn agent, used for entering vpn credentials.

Sets the autoconnect property of the service.
Configures the IPv4 settings for the service. The argument off means that IPv4 won't be used, dhcp means that dhcp will be used to get the settings and manual means that the given arguments will be used as IPv4 settings. addressnetmask and gateway must be valid IPv4 addresses. See the EXAMPLE section of this man page for details.
Configures the IPv6 settings for the service. The argument off means that IPv6 won't be used, auto means that settings will be asked from the network and manual means that the given arguments will be used as IPv6 settings. address and gateway must be valid IPv4 addresses. prefixlength is the length of the prefix in bits. See the EXAMPLE section of this man page for details.
Set the list of nameservers, separated by spaces.
Set the list of timeservers, separated by spaces.
Set the list of search domains, separated by spaces.
Configures the proxy settings for the service. direct means that no proxy will be used. If using auto without a parameter, the network will be asked for the proxy settings. Otherwise, use URL as an proxy autoconfiguration URL. When set to manual, the first list of servers is used as proxy servers, and the traffic to the second list of servers are excluded from the proxy. The list of excluded servers is optional. See the EXAMPLE section of this man page for details.

services [off]
Listens for changes to services, for example a service getting an IP address.
Listens for changes to technologies, for example a technology getting enabled.
Listens for the changes to global properties, available technologies, services, and peers.
Listens for added or removed vpn connections.
Listens for the changes to vpn connections, for example connecting to a VPN.

Listing available technologies:

$ connmanctl technologies

Listing available services:

$ connmanctl services

Scanning for wireless networks:

$ connmanctl scan wifi

Using the interactive mode to access a wireless access point:

$ connmanctl
connmanctl> agent on
Agent registered
connmanctl> connect wifi_100ba9d170fc_666f6f626172_managed_psk
Agent RequestInput wifi_100ba9d170fc_666f6f626172_managed_psk
Passphrase = [ Type=psk, Requirement=mandatory ]
Passphrase? password
Connected wifi_100ba9d170fc_666f6f626172_managed_psk

Configuring a static IP from the command line:

$ connmanctl config wifi_100ba9d170fc_666f6f626172_managed_psk ipv4 manual

Changing the IP back to dhcp:

$ connmanctl config wifi_100ba9d170fc_666f6f626172_managed_psk ipv4 dhcp

Setting a proxy server:

$ connmanctl config wifi_100ba9d170fc_666f6f626172_managed_psk proxy manual

Setting multiple proxy servers:

$ connmanctl config wifi_100ba9d170fc_666f6f626172_managed_psk proxy manual --excludes

Tethering a wireless connection (ssid "SSID", passphrase "password"):

$ connmanctl tether wifi on SSID password

connman.conf(5), connman-service.config(5), connman-vpn-provider.config(5), connman(8), connman-vpn(8)
