DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / coop-computing-tools / wavefront_master.1.en
wavefront_master(1) Cooperative Computing Tools wavefront_master(1)

wavefront_master - executes Wavefront workflow in parallel on distributed systems

wavefront [options] <command> <xsize> <ysize> <inputdata> <outputdata>

wavefront_master computes a two dimensional recurrence relation. You provide a function F (<command>) that accepts the left (x), right (y), and diagonal (d) values and initial values (<inputdata>) for the edges of the matrix. The output matrix, whose size is determined by <xsize> and <ysize>, will be stored in a file specified by <outputdata>.

wavefront_master uses the Work Queue system to distribute tasks among processors. After starting wavefront_master, you must start a number of work_queue_worker(1) processes on remote machines. The workers will then connect back to the master process and begin executing tasks.

 -h, --help
Show this help screen
 -v, --version
Show version string
Enable debugging for this subsystem. (Try -d all to start.)
Set the project name to <project>
Write debugging output to this file. By default, debugging is sent to stderr (":stderr"). You may specify logs be sent to stdout (":stdout"), to the system syslog (":syslog"), or to the systemd journal (":journal").
Port number for queue master to listen on.
Priority. Higher the value, higher the priority.
Select port at random and write it to this file. (default is disabled)
 --work-queue-preferred-connection <connection>
Indicate preferred connection. Chose one of by_ip or by_hostname. (default is by_ip)

On success, returns zero. On failure, returns non-zero.

Suppose you have a program named function that you want to use in the Wavefont workflow computation. The program function, when invoked as function a b c, should do some computations on files a, b and c and produce some output on the standard output.

Before running wavefront_master, you need to create a file, say, that lists initial values of the matrix (values on the left and bottom edges), one per line:

0 0 value.0.0
0 1 value.0.1
0 n value.0.n
1 0 value.1.0
2 0 value.2.0
n 0 value.n.0

To run a Wavefront workflow sequentially, start a single work_queue_worker(1) process in the background. Then, invoke wavefront_master. The following example computes a 10 by 10 Wavefront matrix:

% work_queue_worker localhost 9123 &
% wavefront_master function 10 10

The framework will carry out the computations in the order of dependencies, and print the results one by one (note that the first two columns are X and Y indices in the resulting matrix) in the specified output file. Below is an example of what the output file - would look like:

1 1 value.1.1
1 2 value.1.2
1 3 value.1.3

To speed up the process, run more work_queue_worker(1) processes on other machines, or use condor_submit_workers(1) or sge_submit_workers(1) to start hundreds of workers in your local batch system.

The following is an example of adding more workers to execute a Wavefront workflow. Suppose your wavefront_master is running on a machine named If you have access to login to other machines, you could simply start worker processes on each one, like this:

% work_queue_worker 9123

If you have access to a batch system like Condor, you can submit multiple workers at once:

% condor_submit_workers 9123 10
Submitting job(s)..........
Logging submit event(s)..........
10 job(s) submitted to cluster 298.

The Cooperative Computing Tools are Copyright (C) 2005-2019 The University of Notre Dame. This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See the file COPYING for details.

CCTools 7.1.2 FINAL