flames_cal_orderpos - Defines uves-echelle-simultaneous
calibration fibre order positions
esorex flames_cal_orderpos [OPTIONS] FILE.sof
The recipe defines the simultaneus calibration fibre order
positions in a fibre-echelle image. The orders are initially detected by
means of a Hough transformation, the orders are then traced, and the
positions are finally fitted with a global polynomial.
Expected input frames are simultaneous calibration fibre flat
fields, FIB_ORDEF_RED and optionally for each chip a DRS setup table,
DRS_TABLE_(REDL|REDU), for backward compatibility, and optionally a guess
order table
The recipe processes only the first raw frame found.
Output are two order tables FIB_ORD_TAB_(REDL|REDU) contaning the
columns: X : Position along x Order : Relative order number Y : Order line
centroid location Yfit : The fitted order location dY : Uncertainty of Y
dYfit_Square : Variance of Yfit Residual : Y - Yfit Residual_Square :
Residual^2 OrderRMS : Root mean squared residual of initial
one-dimensional linear fit of order
The bivariate fit polynomial itself is stored in table extension
no. 2.
The 3rd table extension contains a table that defines the active
fibre traces and their positions (for support of FLAMES/UVES) and 2 images
- --backsubdegx
- Degree (in x) of polynomial used to estimate the background (mode=poly).
(int; default: 2). The full name of this option for the EsoRex
configuration file is flames_cal_orderpos.preproc.backsubdegx
[default = 2].
- --backsubdegy
- Degree (in y) of polynomial used to estimate the background (mode=poly).
(int; default: 2). The full name of this option for the EsoRex
configuration file is flames_cal_orderpos.preproc.backsubdegy
[default = 2].
- --backsubgrid
- Number of grid points (in x- and y-direction) used to estimate the
background (mode=poly). (int; default: 50). The full name of this option
for the EsoRex configuration file is
flames_cal_orderpos.preproc.backsubgrid [default = 50].
- --backsubkappa
- The value of kappa in the one-sided kappa-sigma clipping used to estimate
the background (mode=poly). (float; default: 4.0). The full name of this
option for the EsoRex configuration file is
flames_cal_orderpos.preproc.backsubkappa [default =
- --backsubradiusy
- The height (in pixels) of the background sampling window is (2*radiusy +
1). This parameter is not corrected for binning. (int; default: 2). The
full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is
flames_cal_orderpos.preproc.backsubradiusy [default =
- --debug
- Whether or not to save intermediate results to local directory (bool;
default: False). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration
file is uves.debug [default = False].
- --defpol1
- The degree of the bivarite fit (cross dispersion direction). If negative,
the degree is optimized to give the best fit (int; default: -1). The full
name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is
flames_cal_orderpos.reject.defpol1 [default = -1].
- --defpol2
- The degree of the bivarite fit (order number). If negative, the degree is
optimized to give the best fit (int; default: -1). The full name of this
option for the EsoRex configuration file is
flames_cal_orderpos.reject.defpol2 [default = -1].
- --kappa
- Used for kappa-sigma clipping of the final polynomial fit. If negative, no
clipping is done (float; default: 4.0). The full name of this option for
the EsoRex configuration file is flames_cal_orderpos.reject.kappa
[default = 4.0].
- --maxgap
- If the order line drops below detection threshold, the order tracing
algorithm will try to jump a gap of maximum size ´maxgap´
multiplied by the image width (float; default: 0.2). The full name of this
option for the EsoRex configuration file is
flames_cal_orderpos.trace.maxgap [default = 0.2].
- --maxrms
- When fitting the orders with straight lines, this is the maximum allowed
RMS relative to the median RMS of all orders (float; default: 100.0). The
full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is
flames_cal_orderpos.reject.maxrms [default = 100.0].
- --maxslope
- Maximum possible line slope (float; default: 0.2). The full name of this
option for the EsoRex configuration file is
flames_cal_orderpos.hough.maxslope [default = 0.2].
- --minslope
- Minimum possible line slope. This should be the ´physical´
slope on the chip, i.e. not taking binning factors into account, which is
handled by the recipe (float; default: 0.0). The full name of this option
for the EsoRex configuration file is
flames_cal_orderpos.hough.minslope [default = 0.0].
- --minthresh
- The minimum threshold value is (min + minthres*(max - min)). Here
´min´ and ´max´ are the lowest and highest
pixel values in the central bin of the order (float; default: 0.2). The
full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is
flames_cal_orderpos.trace.minthresh [default = 0.2].
- --mmethod
- Background subtraction method. If equal to ´median´ the
background is sampled using the median of a sub-window. If
´minimum´, the minimum sub-window value is used. If
´no´, no background subtraction is done. (str; default:
´median´). The full name of this option for the EsoRex
configuration file is flames_cal_orderpos.preproc.mmethod [default
= median].
- --plotter
- Any plots produced by the recipe are redirected to the command specified
by this parameter. The plotting command must contain the substring
´gnuplot´ and must be able to parse gnuplot syntax on its
standard input. Valid examples of such a command may include
´gnuplot -persist´ and ´cat >
mygnuplot$$.gp´. A finer control of the plotting options can be
obtained by writing an executable script, e.g. my_gnuplot.pl, that
executes gnuplot after setting the desired gnuplot options (e.g. set
terminal pslatex color). To turn off plotting, set this parameter to
´no´ (str; default: ´no´). The full name of
this option for the EsoRex configuration file is uves.plotter
[default = no].
- --process_chip
- For RED arm data process the redl, redu, or both chip(s) (str; default:
´both´). The full name of this option for the EsoRex
configuration file is uves.process_chip [default =
- --pthres
- In automatic mode, or if the number of orders to detect is read from a
guess table, the detection of new lines stops when the intensity of a
candidate line drops to less than ´pthres´ times the
intensity of the previous detection. (float; default: 0.2). The full name
of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is
flames_cal_orderpos.hough.pthres [default = 0.2].
- --radx
- Half X size of median filtering window (int; default: 2). The full name of
this option for the EsoRex configuration file is
flames_cal_orderpos.preproc.radx [default = 2].
- --rady
- Half Y size of median filtering window (int; default: 1). The full name of
this option for the EsoRex configuration file is
flames_cal_orderpos.preproc.rady [default = 1].
- --samplewidth
- Separation of sample traces (used by Hough transform) in input image (int;
default: 50). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration
file is flames_cal_orderpos.hough.samplewidth [default =
- --sloperes
- Resolution (width in pixels) of Hough space (int; default: 120). The full
name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is
flames_cal_orderpos.hough.sloperes [default = 120].
- --tracestep
- The step size used when tracing the orders (int; default: 10). The full
name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is
flames_cal_orderpos.trace.tracestep [default = 10].
- --use_guess_tab
- If a Guess order table is provided this parameter set how it is used:0: No
usage, 1: use it to set lower/upper Y raws where order are searched 2: the
order table try to fully match the guess (int; default: 1). The full name
of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is
flames_cal_orderpos.preproc.use_guess_tab [default = 1].
Note that it is possible to create a configuration file containing
these options, along with suitable default values. Please refer to the
details provided by the 'esorex --help' command.
The full documentation for the uves pipeline can be downloaded as
a PDF file using the following URL:
- ftp://ftp.eso.org/pub/dfs/pipelines/uves/uves-pipeline-manual-6.1.3.pdf
An overview over the existing ESO pipelines can be found on the
web page https://www.eso.org/sci/software/pipelines/.
Basic documentation about the EsoRex program can be found at the
esorex (1) man page.
It is possible to call the pipelines from python using the
python-cpl package. See
https://packages.python.org/python-cpl/index.html for further
The other recipes of the uves pipeline are
flames_cal_mkmaster(7), flames_cal_predict(7),
flames_cal_prep_sff_ofpos(7), flames_cal_wavecal(7),
flames_obs_redchain(7), flames_obs_scired(7),
flames_utl_unpack(7), uves_cal_cd_align(7),
uves_cal_mbias(7), uves_cal_mdark(7),
uves_cal_mflat(7), uves_cal_mflat_combine(7),
uves_cal_mkmaster(7), uves_cal_orderpos(7),
uves_cal_predict(7), uves_cal_response(7),
uves_cal_tflat(7), uves_cal_wavecal(7),
uves_obs_redchain(7), uves_obs_scired(7),
uves_utl_ima_arith(7), uves_utl_remove_crh_single(7)
flames_cal_orderpos 6.1.3
Jonas M. Larsen <cpl@eso.org>
Please report any problems to cpl@eso.org. Alternatively, you may
send a report to the ESO User Support Department
This file is part of the FLAMES/UVES Pipeline Copyright (C) 2004,
2005, 2006, 2007 European Southern Observatory
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA