DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / csb / csb-precision.1.en

csb-precision - measure the precision and coverage of a fragment library

usage: csb-precision [-h] -p PDB -n NATIVE [-c CHAIN] [-t TOP] [-C CPU]

[-r RMSD] [-o OUTPUT] [-s]

Measure the precision and coverage of a fragment library stored in Rosetta NNmake format.

Fragment library file in Rosetta NNmake format

show this help message and exit
the PDB database (a directory containing all PDB files)
native structure of the target (PDB file)
chain identifier (if not specified, the first chain)
read top N fragments per position (default=25)
maximum degree of parallelism (default=4)
RMSD cutoff for precision and coverage (default=1.5)
output directory (default=.)
create a PDB file for each fragment, superimposed over the native (default=False)

This manpage was written by Andreas Tille for the Debian distribution and can be used for any other usage of the program.

November 2017 csb-precision 1.2.5