DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / debsigs / debsigs-autosign.1p.en
DEBSIGS-AUTOSIGN(1p) User Contributed Perl Documentation DEBSIGS-AUTOSIGN(1p)

debsigs-autosign - batch-sign Debian package files

debsigs-autosign [options] sigtype [ ... ]

debsigs-autosign reads a newline-delimited list of file names from standard input and runs debsigs(1) on each package, with arguments determined by the options, operands, and environment of debsigs-autosign. See the debsigs(1) manual page for more information about the signature types.

The above options specify cryptographic key identifiers for use with gpg(1).
This option identifies a secret keyring file for use with gpg(1).
Displays verbose output.

Each operand is a signature type to apply to the Debian package(s) to be processed. Currently recongnized signature types are archive, maint, and origin.

The following environment variables are recognized by debsigs-autosign:

The above variables specify cryptographic key identifiers for use with gpg(1).
This variable identifies a secret keyring file for use with gpg(1).

debsigs(1), debsig-verify(1), gpg(1)

2020-05-06 perl v5.30.0