DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / debspawn / debspawn.1.en
DEBSPAWN(1) debspawn DEBSPAWN(1)

debspawn - Build in nspawn containers

debspawn [-h|--help] [-c|--config] [--verbose] [--no-unicode] [--version] [--owner] [COMMAND]

This manual page documents the debspawn command.

debspawn is a tool to build Debian packages in an isolated environment, using nspawn containers. By using containers, Debspawn can isolate builds from the host system much better than a regular chroot could. It also allows for more advanced features to manage builds, for example setting resource limits for individual builds.

Please keep in mind that Debspawn is not a security feature! While it provides a lot of isolation from the host system, you should not run arbitrary untrusted code with it. The usual warnings for all technology based on Linux containers apply here. See systemd-nspawn(1) for more information on the container solution Debspawn uses.

Debspawn also allows one to run arbitrary custom commands in its environment. This is useful to execute a variety of non-package build and QA actions that make sense to be run in the same environment in which packages are usually built.

For more information about the Debspawn project, you can visit its project page[1].

debspawn actions are invoked via subcommands. Refer to their individual manual pages for further details.


Create a new container base image for a specific suite, architecture and variant. A custom mirror location can also be provided. For details, see debspawn-create(1).


List information about all container image that Debspawn knows on the current host. For details, see debspawn-list(1).


Delete a container base image and all data associated with it. For details, see debspawn-delete(1).


Update a container base image, ensuring all packages are up to date and the image is set up properly for use with debspawn. For details, see debspawn-update(1).


Build a Debian package in an isolated environment. For details, see debspawn-build(1).


Get an interactive shell session in a container. For details, see debspawn-login(1).


Run arbitrary commands in debspawn container session. This is primarily useful for using debspawn to isolate non-package build processes. For details, see debspawn-run(1).


Print brief help information about available commands.


Path to the global config file.


Enable debug messages.


Disable unicode support.


Display the version of debspawn itself.


Set the user name/uid and group/gid separated by a colon whose behalf we are acting.

Configuration is read from an optional TOML file, located at /etc/debspawn/global.toml or a location specified with --config. Specifying a config file on the command line will skip loading of the global, system-wide configuration.

The following keys are valid at the document root level, all are optional:


Location for stored container images.


Default output directory for build artifacts on successful builds.


Location for debspawn's package cache.


Package files placed in the root of this directory are available to all containers to satisfy build dependencies, while ones placed in subdirectories with the OS image name (e.g. sid-arm64) will only be available to the specified container.


Temporary data location (Default: /var/tmp/debspawn/)


Boolean option. If set to true, unsafe options can be used for building software via debspawn run, such as making the host's /dev and /proc filesystems available from within the container. See the --allow option of debspawn run for more details.

dpkg-buildpackage(1), systemd-nspawn(1), sbuild(1).

This manual page was written by Matthias Klumpp <>.

Copyright © 2018-2021 Matthias Klumpp

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