DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / deepin-shortcut-viewer / deepin-shortcut-viewer.1.en

deepin-shortcut-viewer - Pop-up shortcut viewer for Deepin applications

deepin-shortcut-viewer [options]

This manual page documents briefly the deepin-shortcut-viewer command as provided by deepin-shortcut-viewer package.

deepin-shortcut-viewer is a standalone utility that helps Deepin applications pop up their shortcut information on screen in a unified appearance.

It is designed to be called via command line and parse information provided through arguments.

Displays help information.
Displays version information.
Expose your window's central position (x,y) info where the deepin-shortcut-viewer can be centered to your window relatively. Example: -p=100,50 or --pos=900,50
Directly convert a json data into shortcut pop-up window. See for more information about acceptable json format.
Bypass window manager's hint.

The programs are further documented in the as provided with this debian package under /usr/share/doc/deepin-shortcut-viewer/ directory.

deepin-shortcut-viewer is written by Deepin Technology Co., Ltd.

This manual page was written by Boyuan Yang for the Debian Project (but may be used by others).

2017-11-30 Deepin