density-fitness(1) | User Commands | density-fitness(1) |
density-fitness - Calculates per-residue electron density scores real-space R, real-space correlation coefficient, EDIAm, and OPIA
density-fitness [OPTION] <mtz-file> <coordinates-file> [output]
density-fitness [OPTION] --hklin=<mtz-file> --xyzin=<coordinates-file> [--output=<output>]
density-fitness [OPTION] --fomap=<fo-map-file> --dfmap=<df-map-file> --reslo=<low-resolution> --reshi=<high-resolution> --xyzin=<input [--output=<output>]
The program density-fitness calculates electron density metrics, for main- (includes Cβ atom) and side-chain atoms of individual residues.
For this calculation, the program uses the structure model in either PDB or mmCIF format and the electron density from the 2mFo-DFc and mFo-DFc maps. If these maps are not readily available, the MTZ file and model can be used to calculate maps clipper. Density-fitness support both X-ray and electron diffraction data.
This program is essentially a reimplementation of edstats, a program available from the CCP4 suite. However, the output now contains only the RSR, SRSR and RSCC fields as in edstats with the addition of EDIAm and OPIA and no longer requires pre-calculated map coefficients.
RSR = Σ |ρobs - ρcalc| / Σ |ρobs + ρcalc|
The SRSR is the estimated sigma for RSR.
RSCC = cov(ρobs,ρcalc) / sqrt(var(ρobs) var(ρcalc))
where cov(.,.) and var(.) are the sample covariance and variance (i.e. calculated with respect to the sample means of ρobs and ρcalc).
The EDIAm score is a per-residue score based on the atomic EDIA value and the OPIA score gives the percentage of atoms in the residue with EDIA score is above 0.8.
When using MTZ files, the input and output files do not need the option flag. If no output file is given, the result is printed to stdout.
When using map files, the resolution must be specified using the reshi and reslo options.
Written by Maarten L. Hekkelman <>
Report bugs at
2020-11-23 | version 1.0.0 |