desklaunch(1) | desklaunch(1) |
desklaunch - a small utility for creating desktop icons
desklaunch ...
Desklaunch takes no options
DeskLaunch is a small utility for creating desktop icons. A simple
click will launch the desired application.
You need to create a file called .desklaunchrc in your home directory.
The format of the file is: icon=x:y:xpm_image:tooltip:command
where x:y is the position of the icon
xpm_image is the /path/to/pixmap
tooltip is the name of the icon launchers
and command is the command to execute once clicked.
Ken Lynch<>
Ken stopped developing on Deskmenu in late 2001.
Stefan Pfetzing <> (c) 2002-2010
This manpage was written by Brandon L. Griffith <>
because the origonal program did not include one.
1.1.x |