DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / drslib / translate_cmip3.1.en

translate_cmip3 - Translate a stream of filepaths from CMIP3 to CMIP5 syntax

translate_cmip3 [-dryrun] [-copy] cmip3_root cmip5_root

This is a python helper file to translate CMIP3-formatted files to CMIP5 syntax.

-h,--help show short help message and exit

Include paths matching INCLUDE regular expression
Include paths matching EXCLUDE regular expression
Copy rather than move files
Emit log messages but don't translate anything
Set logging level


No Known bugs. Please report bugs using reportbug on Debian systems.

drs_tool(1), drs_checkthredds(1)

DRSLIB was written by Stephen Pascoe, STFC.SC.UK. This manual page was written by Alastair McKinstry.

November 2011 DRSLIB