DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / elogind / elogind.journal-fields.7.en

elogind.journal-fields - Special journal fields rerouted to syslog by elogind

Systems that use elogind have no systemd-journald running. Applications that use structured log messages via sd-journal.h use specific variables for this structure. The following is a list of variables that are parsed by elogind and passed to syslog for logging.

Note: Fields not listed here are ignored and their information is thrown away. This may change in the future.

User fields are fields that are directly passed from clients and stored in the journal.


The human-readable message string for this entry. This is supposed to be the primary text shown to the user. It is usually not translated (but might be in some cases), and is not supposed to be parsed for metadata.


A priority value between 0 ("emerg") and 7 ("debug") formatted as a decimal string. This field is compatible with syslog's priority concept.


The code location generating this message, if known. Contains the source filename, the line number and the function name.


A documentation URL with further information about the topic of the log message. Tools such as journalctl will include a hyperlink to an URL specified this way in their output. Should be a "http://", "https://", "file:/", "man:" or "info:" URL.


elogind 246.9.1