DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / exim4-base / exiqgrep.8.en
EXIQGREP(8) System Manager's Manual EXIQGREP(8)

exiqgrep - Search in the exim queue

exiqgrep [-a] [-c]

The exiqgrep utility is a Perl script which offers possibilities to grep in the exim queue output. Unlike exiqsumm, it invokes exim -bpu itself and does not need to be invoked in a pipe.

Print help
Match sender address (field is “< >” wrapped)
Match recipient address
Match against the site field from long output
Message younger than
Message older than
Frozen messages only (exclude non-frozen)
Non-frozen messages only (exclude frozen)
Display match count
Long Format [Default]
Message IDs only
Brief Format
Reverse order

This manual page needs a major re-work. If somebody knows better groff than us and has more experience in writing manual pages, any patches would be greatly appreciated.

exim(8), /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/

This manual page was stitched together from the source code by Marc Haber <>, using the exiqsumm man page by Andreas Metzler <ametzler at>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).

March 26, 2003