GZ(1) | GZ(1) |
gz - Gazebo command line tool for control and analysis.
gz command [option]... [argument]...
gz camera [options]
Change properties of a camera. If a name for the world, option -w, is not specified, the first world found on the Gazebo master will be used. A camera name is required.
gz debug [options]
Used primarily for bash completion, this tool return the completion list for a given command.
gz help [options]
Output information about a gz command.
gz joint [options]
Change properties of a joint. If a name for the world, option -w, is not specified, the first world found on the Gazebo master will be used. A model name and joint name are required.
It is recommended to use only one type of command: force, position PID, or velocity PID.
Force: Use --force to apply a force.
Position PID: Use --pos-t to specify a target position with --pos-p, --pos-i, --pos-d to specify the PID parameters.
Velocity PID: Use --vel-t to specify a target velocity with --vel-p, --vel-i, --vel-d to specify the PID parameters.
gz log [options]
Introspect and manipulate Gazebo log files. The log command can also start and stop data log recording from an active Gazebo server.
gz marker [options]
Add, modify, or delete visual markers.
Option Details
-a, --add: No argument
This option indicates that a marker should be added or modified. Use this in conjunction with -t to specify a marker type, -i to specify a marker id, -p to specify a parent, -f to specify a lifetime for the marker, or -n to specify a namespace.
-n, --namespace: string argument
Namespaces allow markers to be grouped. This option can be used the -a and -x command. The default namespace is empty string.
-i, --id: integer argument
Each marker has a unique id. Use this option with the -a command to assign an id to a marker. If -i is not specified, a value of zero will be used.
-t, --type: string argument
Use this command with -a to specify a marker type. The string argument must be one of: sphere, box, cylinder, line_list, line_strip, points, sphere, text, triangle_fan, triangle_list, triangle_strip.
-p, --parent: string argument
A marker can be attached to an existing visual. Use this command with -a to specify a parent visual. By default a marker is not attached to a parent visual.
-f, --lifetime: double argument
A marker's lifetime is the number of seconds that it will exist. Time starts counting when the marker is created. By default a marker has an infite lifetime.
-d, --delete: integer argument
This option will delete a single marker, if a marker exists with the specified id. The integer argument is the id of the marker to delete.
-x, --delete-all: no argument
Delete all markers.
-l, --list: no argument
List all markers.
-y, --layer: integer argument
Add or move a marker to the specified layer. Use this argument with the -a argument.
-m, --msg: string argument
Use this option to send a custom marker message. This option will override all other command line options. Details about the marker message can be found using:
$ ign msg -i ign_msgs.Marker
$ gz marker -m 'action: ADD_MODIFY, type: SPHERE, id: 2, scale: {x:0.2, y:0.4, z:1.2}'
gz model [options]
Change properties of a model, delete a model, or spawn a new model. If a name for the world, option -w, is not pecified, the first world found on the Gazebo master will be used.
gz physics [options]
Change properties of the physics engine on a specific world. If a name for the world, option -w, is not specified, the first world found on the Gazebo master will be used.
gz sdf [options]
Introspect, convert, and output SDF files. Use the -v option to specify the version of SDF for use with other options.
gz stats [options]
Print gzserver statics to standard out. If a name for the world, option -w, is not specified, the first world found on the Gazebo master will be used.
gz topic [options]
Print topic information to standard out or publish a message on a topic. If a name for the world, option -w, is not specified, the first world found on the Gazebo master will be used.
gz world [options]
Change properties of a Gazebo world on a running server. If a name for the world, option -w, is not specified the first world found on the Gazebo master will be used.
September 2014 |