DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / git-annex / git-annex-config.1.en
git-annex-config(1) General Commands Manual git-annex-config(1)

git-annex-config - configuration stored in git-annex branch

git annex config --set name value

git annex config --get name

git annex config --unset name

Set or get configuration settings stored in the git-annex branch.

Unlike git config settings, these settings can be seen in all clones of the repository, once they have gotten their git-annex branches in sync.

These settings can be overridden on a per-repository basis using git config.

git-annex does not check the git-annex branch for all the git config settings that affect it (which are listed on the git-annex man page CONFIGURATION section). Only a few make sense to be able to set such that all clones of a repository see the setting, and so git-annex only looks for these.

Used to configure which files are large enough to be added to the annex. It is an expression that matches the large files, eg "include=*.mp3 or largerthan(500kb)". See git-annex-matching-expression(1) for details on the syntax.
This sets a default, which can be overridden by annex.largefiles attributes in .gitattributes files, or by git config.
Normally, dotfiles are assumed to be files like .gitignore, whose content should always be part of the git repository, so they will not be added to the annex. Setting annex.dotfiles to true makes dotfiles be added to the annex the same as any other file.
This sets a default, which can be overridden by annex.dotfiles in git config.
Commands like git-annex add default to adding files to the repository in locked form. This can make them add the files in unlocked form, the same as if git-annex-unlock(1) were run on the files.
This can be set to "true" to add everything unlocked, or it can be a more complicated expression that matches files by name, size, or content. See git-annex-matching-expression(1) for details.
This sets a default, which can be overridden by annex.addunlocked in git config.
Set to false to prevent the git-annex assistant and git-annex sync from automatically committing changes to files in the repository.
Set to false to prevent merge conflicts in the checked out branch being automatically resolved by the git-annex assitant, git-annex sync, git-annex merge, and the git-annex post-receive hook.
Set to true to make git-annex sync default to syncing annexed content.
Set to true to make git-annex sync default to only sincing the git-annex branch and annexed content.
Set to true to indicate that the repository should only use cryptographically secure hashes (SHA2, SHA3) and not insecure hashes (MD5, SHA1) for content.
When this is set, the contents of files using cryptographically insecure hashes will not be allowed to be added to the repository.
Also, git-annex fsck will complain about any files present in the repository that use insecure hashes.
Note that this is only read from the git-annex branch by git annex init, and is copied to the corresponding git config setting. So, changes to the value in the git-annex branch won't affect a repository once it has been initialized.

Suppose you want to prevent git annex sync from committing changes to files, so a manual git commit workflow is used in all clones of the repository. Then run:

git annex config --set annex.autocommit false

If you want to override that in a partiticular clone, just use git config in the clone:

git config annex.autocommit true

And to get back to the default behavior:

git annex config --unset annex.autocommit




Joey Hess <>