DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / git-annex / git-annex-get.1.en
git-annex-get(1) General Commands Manual git-annex-get(1)

git-annex-get - make content of annexed files available

git annex get [path ...]

Makes the content of annexed files available in this repository. This will involve copying them from a remote repository, or downloading them, or transferring them from some kind of key-value store.

With no parameters, gets all annexed files in the current directory whose content was not already present. Paths of files or directories to get can be specified.

# evince foo.pdf
error: Unable to open document foo.pdf: No such file or directory
# ls foo.pdf
# git annex get foo.pdf
get foo.pdf (from origin..) ok
# evince foo.pdf

Rather than getting all the specified files, get only those that don't yet have the desired number of copies, or that are preferred content of the repository. See git-annex-preferred-content(1)
Normally git-annex will choose which remotes to get the content from, preferring remotes with lower costs. Use this option to specify which remote to use.
Any files that are not available on the remote will be silently skipped.
Enables parallel download with up to the specified number of jobs running at once. For example: -J10
Setting this to "cpus" will run one job per CPU core.
When files can be downloaded from multiple remotes, enabling parallel downloads will split the load between the remotes. For example, if the files are available on remotes A and B, then one file will be downloaded from A, and another file will be downloaded from B in parallel. (Remotes with lower costs are still preferred over higher cost remotes.)
The git-annex-matching-options(1) can be used to specify files to get.
Resume any incomplete downloads of files that were started and interrupted at some point previously. Useful to pick up where you left off ... when you don't quite remember where that was.
These incomplete files are the same ones that are listed as unused temp files by git-annex-unused(1).
Note that the git-annex key will be displayed when downloading, as git-annex does not know the associated file, and the associated file may not even be in the current git working directory.
Rather than specifying a filename or path to get, this option can be used to get all available versions of all files.
This is the default behavior when running git-annex in a bare repository.
Operate on files in the specified branch or treeish.
Operate on files found by last run of git-annex unused.
Operate on files that have recently failed to be transferred.
Not to be confused with --incomplete which resumes only downloads that managed to transfer part of the content of a file.
Use this option to get a specified key.
Enables batch mode, in which lines containing names of files to get are read from stdin.
As each specified file is processed, the usual progress output is displayed. If the specified file's content is already present, or it does not match specified matching options, or it is not an annexed file, a blank line is output in response instead.
Since the usual output while getting a file is verbose and not machine-parseable, you may want to use --json in combination with --batch.
Makes the --batch input be delimited by nulls instead of the usual newlines.
Enable JSON output. This is intended to be parsed by programs that use git-annex. Each line of output is a JSON object.
Include progress objects in JSON output.
Messages that would normally be output to standard error are included in the json instead.





Joey Hess <>