DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / glance-api / glance-cache-cleaner.1.en

glance-cache-cleaner - Glance Cache Cleaner

OpenStack Glance Project Team
OpenStack Foundation
cloud computing

glance-cache-cleaner [options]

This is meant to be run as a periodic task from cron.

If something goes wrong while we're caching an image (for example the fetch times out, or an exception is raised), we create an 'invalid' entry. These entries are left around for debugging purposes. However, after some period of time, we want to clean these up.

Also, if an incomplete image hangs around past the image_cache_stall_time period, we automatically sweep it up.

General options

Show the help message and exit
Print the version number and exit
Print more verbose output
Disable verbose output
Print debugging output (set logging level to DEBUG instead of default WARNING level)
Disable debugging output
Use syslog for logging
Disable the use of syslog for logging
syslog facility to receive log lines
Path to a config directory to pull *.conf files from. This file set is sorted, to provide a predictable parse order if individual options are over-ridden. The set is parsed after the file(s) specified via previous --config-file, arguments hence over-ridden options in the directory take precedence. This means that configuration from files in a specified config-dir will always take precedence over configuration from files specified by --config-file, regardless to argument order.
Path to a config file to use. Multiple config files can be specified by using this flag multiple times, for example, --config-file <file1> --config-file <file2>. Values in latter files take precedence.
The name of logging configuration file. It does not disable existing loggers, but just appends specified logging configuration to any other existing logging options. Please see the Python logging module documentation for details on logging configuration files. The log-config name for this option is deprecated.
A logging.Formatter log message format string which may use any of the available logging.LogRecord attributes. Default: None
Format string for %(asctime)s in log records. Default: None
(Optional) Name of log file to output to. If not set, logging will go to stdout.
(Optional) The directory to keep log files in (will be prepended to --log-file)

Default configuration file for the Glance Cache

OpenStack Glance

Glance bugs are tracked in Launchpad so you can view current bugs at OpenStack Glance


2010-present, OpenStack Foundation.

January 18, 2023