DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / gnustep-common / openapp.1.en
openapp(1) GNUstep System Manual openapp(1)

openapp - launch applications from the command line

openapp [--find] [--debug [--gdb= debuger]] [ --library-combo=library-combo ] application [arguments...]

The openapp command allows you to launch graphical GNUstep applications from the command line.

application is the complete or relative name of the application program with or without the .app extension, like

arguments are the arguments passed to the application.

openapp first checks whether the application is in the current working directory. If not then searches the GNUstep domains' Applications folders in the following order: User (i.e. ~/GNUstep/Applications), Local, Network, System. First match wins.

will print out the full path of the application executable which would be executed, without actually executing it. It will also list all paths that are attempted.
starts the application in the debugger. By default gdb, but this can be changed with the --gdb= argument or through the GDB shell variable.
Starts the application with the specified library combo. This is a rarely used option in a non-flattened setup. See the library-combo(7) man-page for more information about the different library combinations.
print above usage description.

Start without additional parameters:


Launch and pass it the --debug argument:

openapp --debug

To determine which executable is launched by openapp, type:

openapp --find

The output of the above command might be something like: /usr/GNUstep/Local/Applications/

is used to determine where the configuration file is located. If the variable is not set openapp tries to locate it in the folder where openapp was started, then in the user domain, and as a last resort in the system domain (or actually the place you configured (--with-config-file=) during building).
Sets the debugger to use when --debug is used.

debugapp(1), GNUstep(7), gopen(1), library-combo(7), opentool(1)

Work on openapp started October 1997.

openapp was originally written by Ovidiu Predescu <> and is now maintained by Nicola Pero <>

This manual page was first written July 2003 by Martin Brecher <>.

Updated with notes from Hubert Chathi <> and Dennis Leeuw <>, December 2007 by Dennis Leeuw.

12/12/2007 gnustep-make