DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / golang-chroma / chroma.1.en

chroma - general purpose syntax highlighting program

chroma [options] files ...

This manual page documents briefly the chroma command.

These programs follow the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). A summary of options is included below.

Show context-sensitive help.
List lexers, styles and formatters.
Do not buffer output.
Trace lexer states as they are traversed.
Do not format, check for tokenization errors instead.
Filename to use for selecting a lexer when reading from stdin.
Lexer to use when formatting.
Style to use for formatting.
Formatter to use.
Enable HTML mode (equivalent to `–formatter html').
HTML CSS class prefix.
Output HTML CSS styles.
Output HTML fragment.
Output HTML with inline styles (no classes).
Set the HTML tab width.
Include line numbers in output.
Split line numbers and code in a HTML table
Style for line numbers.
Highlight these lines.
Style used for highlighting lines.
Base line number.
Show application version.

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