DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / hcxtools / hcxhashtool.1.en

hcxhashtool - hcx tools set-N

hcxhashtool 6.0.2 (C) 2020 ZeroBeat usage: hcxhashtool <options>

options: -i <file> : input PMKID/EAPOL hash file -o <file> : output PMKID/EAPOL hash file -E <file> : output ESSID list (autohex enabled) -d : download

: and save to ~/.hcxtools/oui.txt : internet connection required

-h : show this help -v : show version

--essid-group : convert to ESSID groups in working directory

not on old hash formats

--oui-group : convert to OUI groups in working directory

not on old hash formats

--mac-group-ap : convert APs to MAC groups in working directory

not on old hash formats

--mac-group-client : convert CLIENTs to MAC groups in working directory

not on old hash formats

--type : filter by hash type

: default PMKID (1) and EAPOL (2)

--essid-len : filter by ESSID length

: default ESSID length: 0...32

--essid-min : filter by ESSID minimum length

: default ESSID minimum length: 0

--essid-max : filter by ESSID maximum length

: default ESSID maximum length: 32

--essid=<ESSID> : filter by ESSID --essid-part=<part of ESSID> : filter by part of ESSID --mac-ap=<MAC> : filter AP by MAC

: format: 001122334455, 00:11:22:33:44:55, 00-11-22-33-44-55 (hex)

--mac-client=<MAC> : filter CLIENT by MAC

: format: 001122334455, 00:11:22:33:44:55, 00-11-22-33-44-55 (hex)

--oui-ap=<OUI> : filter AP by OUI

: format: 001122, 00:11:22, 00-11-22 (hex)

--oui-client=<OUI> : filter CLIENT by OUI

: format: 001122, 00:11:22, 00-11-22 (hex)

--vendor=<VENDOR> : filter by (part of) VENDOR name --authorized : filter EAPOL pairs by status authorized --notauthorized : filter EAPOL pairs by status not authorized --rc : filter EAPOL pairs by replaycount status checked --apless : filter EAPOL pairs by status M1M2ROGUE (M2 requested from CLIENT) --info=<file> : output detailed information about content of hash file --info=stdout : stdout output detailed information about content of hash file --vendorlist : stdout output VENDOR list sorted by OUI --psk=<PSK> : pre-shared key to test

: due to PBKDF2 calculation this is a very slow process
: no nonce error corrections

--pmk=<PMK> : plain master key to test

: no nonce error corrections

--hccapx=<file> : output to deprecated hccapx file --hccap=<file> : output to ancient hccap file --hccap-single : output to ancient hccap single files (MAC + count) --john=<file> : output to deprecated john file --help : show this help --version : show version

The full documentation for hcxhashtool is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and hcxhashtool programs are properly installed at your site, the command

info hcxhashtool

should give you access to the complete manual.

July 2020 hcxhashtool 6.0.2 (C) 2020 ZeroBeat