DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / hcxtools / hcxwltool.1.en

hcxwltool - hcx tools set-N

hcxwltool 6.0.2 (C) 2020 ZeroBeat usage: hcxwltool <options>

options: -i : input wordlist -o <file> : output wordlist to file -h : show this help -v : show version

--straight : output format untouched --digit : output format only digits --xdigit : output format only xdigits --lower : output format only lower --upper : output format only upper --capital : output format only capital --length=<digit> : password length (8...32) --help : show this help --version : show version

examples: hcxwltool -i wordlist --straight | sort | uniq | | sort | uniq | hashcat -m 2500 hashfile.hccapx hcxwltool -i wordlist --digit --length=10 | sort | uniq | | sort | uniq | hashcat -m 2500 hashfile.hccapx hcxwltool -i wordlist --digit | sort | uniq | hashcat -m 16800 hashfile.16800 hcxwltool -i wordlist --xdigit | sort | uniq | john --stdin --format=wpapsk-opencl hashfile.16800

The full documentation for hcxwltool is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and hcxwltool programs are properly installed at your site, the command

info hcxwltool

should give you access to the complete manual.

July 2020 hcxwltool 6.0.2 (C) 2020 ZeroBeat