hxremove - remove elements from an XML file by means of a CSS selector
hxremove [ -i ] [ -l language ] selectors
hxremove reads a well-formed XML document from standard input and writes it to standard output without any elements that match one of the CSS selectors that are given as argument. For example
hxremove ol li:first-child
removes the first li (list item in XHTML) from every ol (ordered list).
If there are multiple selectors, they must be separated by commas. For example,
hxremove p + ul, blockquote ol
removes all ul elements that follow a p element and also all ol elements that are descendants of a blockquote element.
hxremove assumes that class selectors (".foo") refer to an attribute called "class". And assumes that ID selectors ("#foo") refer to an attribute called "id".
To handle HTML files, make them well-formed XML first, e.g., with hxnormalize -x.
Compare with hxselect, which removes everything but the selected elements.
The following options are supported:
The following operand is supported:
asc2xml(1), xml2asc(1), hxnormalize(1), hxselect(1), UTF-8 (RFC 2279)
10 Jul 2011 | 7.x |